Guarding Her Heart: A Christian Romance (BlackThorpe Security Book 1) Page 7
He pulled a protein bar from his bag since he’d missed the early morning breakfast the mission house provided. As he ate it, he realized he probably should have given a handful to Lindsay since he highly doubted she’d made it downstairs in time for breakfast either.
His satellite phone chirped and when he checked it, he saw that it was his aunt. He tapped out a quick response then picked up the suitcase containing all the stuff his mom had sent and headed down to the large living room on the main floor.
Figuring the suitcase would be safe enough if he left it there, Than headed out the front door of the building and glanced around to get his bearings. Once he spotted the gate where they’d come in the night before, he began to jog in that direction.
As he reached the gate, he spotted two guards in a shack next to it. He approached them and in Filipino identified himself and explained about his family. Apparently the person in charge had let them know to expect them because the guys nodded.
There was a honk beyond the walls of the compound, and one of the guys stepped through a pedestrian walk-through to talk to the driver before coming back in and opening the main gate. Than watched as the shiny vehicle with darkened windows pulled into the compound. He was pretty sure none of his family drove the luxury car as it was fairly common among the middle and upper class to have drivers in addition to maids and nannies.
The car came to a stop in an empty parking spot near the gate. As Than strode in their direction, the driver got out and opened the back door of the car. His uncle was first out. A well-respected businessman in Manila, Alberto Salazar was actually a very unassuming man in person. He was shorter than Than by at least half a foot and had a slender build.
“Tito,” Than said as he hugged the man. “Kumusta na po kayó?”
His uncle stepped back with a smile. “I’m fine, Than. Thank you.”
Next came his aunt, who reminded him an awful lot of his mother.
“Than, darling.” Merlina Salazar pressed her cheek to his, bringing with her a cloud of perfume. “It’s good to see you again.” She stepped back, holding both his hands in hers as she took in his appearance. She reached up and pinched his cheek. “You are so guwapo still.”
“Thank you, Tita. You are still maganda as well.” And she was. Like his mother, she had aged well and retained much of the beauty of her youth.
“I have someone for you to meet, anak.” Though he was not technically her son, she still called him by the affectionate term for one’s child. She waved her hand to the driver as he helped the final passenger from the vehicle. “This is Lilibeth Ramos.”
A slender beauty exited the car one long leg at a time. Her jet black hair moved like silk as she straightened and held out her hand to him. There was no doubt that she was every bit as beautiful as his mother had promised she would be, but she did absolutely nothing for him.
He took her hand and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Lilibeth. I’m Than Miller.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Than.” She tilted her head and gave him a smile that might have passed as shy if he hadn’t seen the calculating look in her eyes. Yeah, this was no shy girl, no matter how she might present herself to the world.
Though they all obviously spoke Tagalog—the national language of the Philippines—and knew that he did as well, Than wasn’t surprised that their conversation took place in English. He suspected Lilibeth was doing it to show that she was capable of moving in his world back in the States. Too bad for her, that was never going to happen.
“Why don’t we go into the house?” Than suggested. “Mama sent a suitcase full of pasalubong for you, Tita.”
His aunt smiled as she slid her hand into the crook of his elbow. “How is she?”
“As beautiful as ever and keeping my dad on his toes like usual.”
She laughed at his reply and pressed her cheek to his arm. “When will they come to visit us again? We miss you all.”
“I don’t know. Maybe you should come to visit us sometime.”
His aunt gave him a sly smile. “Perhaps for a wedding?”
Stifling a groan, Than gave her a tolerant smile but didn’t rise to the bait.
As they approached the mission house, Than reached out and opened the door. He held it as his guests walked into the house, not missing the smile Lilibeth sent his way as she passed him. Though he smiled in return, he sure hoped this wasn’t going to end badly. He’d told his mom to warn his aunt that he was not in the market for a Filipino bride, but he wouldn’t put it past his mother to have “forgotten” to pass on the message.
“Please, have a seat.”
There were several wicker and rattan couches with cushions through the large room which was empty except for them. However, he could hear the sound of muted conversation coming from what he assumed was the kitchen.
Once his aunt, uncle and Lilibeth were seated, he retrieved the suitcase from where he’d left it earlier. “Here are all the things Mama sent for you, Tita. You can keep the suitcase as I won’t need it to travel home.”
“Your mama is so generous,” Merlina said with a smile.
They talked for a little while with his aunt doing most of it. She would ask Than questions and then share something about Lilibeth that was no doubt supposed to make him see her as a good potential wife.
“Good morning, Than!”
Looking up, Than saw Barb, the woman who had joined him and Lindsay at the airport in Tokyo. He got to his feet and smiled at her. “Good morning, Barb. Sleep well?”
“Can’t complain.”
As she stepped to the side, Than saw that Lindsay was a few steps behind her. She wore a pair of jean capris, a gauzy baby blue blouse and a pair of black sandals. Her hair was down in loose waves over her shoulders, and she wore only a little bit of makeup. Now here was a woman that stirred something inside him.
Smiling at her, he reached out with his hand to grasp hers and pull her close. As he wrapped his left arm loosely around her, he bent down and whispered, “Please help me out here.”
She pulled back to look up at him, a question on her face. “What?”
Than bent his head and spoke in a low voice. “Just act like you like me. Really like me. I’ll explain later and will forever be in your debt.”
Her eyes widened briefly before a smile spread across her face. Than wondered for a moment if she meant to toss him to the wolves. Instead, she reached up and cupped his cheek. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, sugar.” He knew not to push for a kiss or anything like that. But hopefully they could suggest enough that his aunt—and Lilibeth—would get the idea that he wasn’t interested or available. “I’d like to introduce you to my family.”
Than turned her toward where his aunt and uncle sat. Alberto had a curious expression on his face while Merlina looked like she had just eaten something that tasted unpleasant. He kept his arm around Lindsay’s waist as he said, “This is Lindsay Hamilton. Lindsay, this is my aunt, Merlina, and my uncle, Alberto.”
As they both got to their feet, Lindsay held out her hand to shake theirs. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Merlina’s lips were pinched shut, but Alberto smiled warmly at her and said, “The pleasure is ours, Lindsay.”
“Oh, and this is…” Than let his voice trail off. He knew he was being a bit harsh, but he’d made it clear that he wanted no matchmaking, and they’d ignored his request.
Lilibeth gracefully got to her feet, looking every inch the beauty queen she was. She lifted her chin and said, “I am Lilibeth Ramos.” She ignored Lindsay’s outstretched hand as her gaze swept over her. “Siya ay taba.”
Than saw red at the woman’s statement. His hold tightened on Lindsay’s waist as he switched over to Filipino and let Lilibeth know exactly what he thought of her calling Lindsay fat. When her eyes widened, Than wondered if they hadn’t let her know that he was as fluent in her language as she was in his.
nbsp; The sound of his full name spoken sharply in an accented voice drew him up short. He turned to his aunt who had a horrified look on her face. He didn’t know if it was because of what Lilibeth had said or his response.
Than dipped his head to her even though anger still coursed through him. “I’m sorry, Tita.” Then he switched back to Filipino. “I told Mama I was not interested in finding a wife the way Stephen did. I prefer to choose my own woman. And even if I were interested in finding a wife from here, it would not be her.” Lilibeth gave an outraged gasp. “What she said about Lindsay was rude, and I can’t abide that in a woman.”
He felt a gentle touch on his chest and looked down to see Lindsay’s fingertips resting there. When his gaze met hers, her expression was serious. “Why don’t we just leave you to finish your visit with your family? Barb and I were in search of something to drink. We can catch up when you’re done.”
Than took a deep breath and let it out, feeling some of his anger ease away under her touch. She kept her gaze on his until he nodded and then she turned to look at his family. He watched as she smiled and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you.”
Albert once again held out his hand and clasped hers between both of his. “It was all ours, Lindsay. Maybe we will meet again someday.”
“I would like that,” Lindsay replied with a graciousness that stood in stark contrast to Lilibeth’s rudeness. However, Than couldn’t tell if she was just being polite or if she really was sincere. At any rate, her natural grace and poise drew him in more than any beauty queen ever could.
She turned back to him, once again laying her hand on his cheek. “Behave. See you later.”
He pulled her a little more tightly against his side before letting her go. Than watched as Lindsay and Barb walked toward where the kitchen was, waiting until they were out of sight before turning his attention back to his family.
His aunt gave him a resigned smile. “Than, I’m sorry. I think Lilibeth and I will go wait in the car while you finish your business with your uncle.”
“The things for Than are in the car,” Alberto said. “We’ll walk out with you.”
Fifteen minutes later, his family was on their way home, and he was in possession of a gun and a significant amount of money. His uncle had taken care of getting pesos for him, and he’d given him US dollars in exchange for it. He hadn’t been sure they’d have time to get money changed—especially the amount he wanted to have on hand.
Lilibeth hadn’t even said goodbye to him but had stomped her way down to the car and slid in without even looking in his direction. Than should have felt bad, but he didn’t. He knew for a fact there were plenty of wonderful women in the Philippines. Surely his aunt could have at least found one that was a little more gracious and friendly. Either Lilibeth had snowed his aunt with her innocent routine or she’d bribed her for an introduction. Regardless, the girl was leaving without the prize.
“Well, that was interesting,” Barb said as she approached the kitchen.
That was one word for it, Lindsay imagined. “Than had told me his mom and aunt were matchmaking for him. He wasn’t too impressed when we talked about it, and it appeared he was even less so today. She was very beautiful though.”
“Ah, but beauty isn’t everything, my dear.” Barb stopped in the doorway of the kitchen.
Immediately, a young woman approached them. “May I help you, mum?”
“We arrived late last night and missed breakfast this morning,” Barb explained. “I wonder if you might have some coffee.”
The woman smiled brightly. “Yes. We have coffee and also some fresh fruit if you would like.”
When Barb glanced over at her, Lindsay nodded enthusiastically. The protein bars had been good, but coffee and fresh fruit sounded even better.
“We would love that. Thank you so much.”
“Please just have a seat at the table. We will bring it to you.”
Lindsay looked around as she followed Barb to a nearby table. The room they were in was large with huge windows along each wall. The windows were all open, and a breeze drifted through the screens that covered them. The open windows let in more than just the breeze though. In the distance, she could hear the sound of traffic and blaring horns mixed in with dogs barking and music playing.
“Here you go.” The woman slid a large tray onto the table and then emptied its contents in front of them. Mugs, sugar and cream for the coffee and a large plate of fruit and two smaller plates with forks. “There are mango and pineapple slices as well as some papaya and, of course, bananas if you want. I’ll be right back with the coffee.”
“Thank you,” Lindsay said as she eyed the fruit hungrily.
After the woman had returned to fill their coffee mugs, Lindsay took a piece of each of the fruits to try. The coffee was stronger than she usually drank it, but a little sugar and some cream helped with that. And she had no doubt she’d be thankful for the caffeine as the day wore on.
She had just taken a bite of the mango when Than sat down on the chair next to hers. “You managed to get some breakfast, eh?”
The woman who had brought them their breakfast reappeared. “Would you like coffee, too, sir?”
He gave her a quick smile. “Yes, please.” After she had left, Than looked at Lindsay. “Thanks for earlier. My mom obviously decided not to pass on my request for no matchmaking.”
“She was very beautiful,” Lindsay said as she stabbed at a piece of pineapple then stuck it in her mouth.
“Yeah, she was, and if she’d been a little more genuine and a little less calculating it might have at least been nice to meet her.” He paused to take the mug from the woman when she returned with it along with another plate and fork for him. “Salamat po.”
A small smile curved the corners of her mouth and her eyelashes swept down as the woman murmured a reply in Filipino.
Lindsay waited for him to continue chatting with the young woman, but he just picked up the coffee carafe and poured himself a cup. “Did you ladies sleep well?”
Barb nodded. “I was out like a light and slept right through to the alarm this morning.”
“Me, too,” Lindsay said as she picked up a napkin to wipe the dribble of pineapple juice on her chin. “I wasn’t too sure when I saw the bed, but I think I was tired enough that I could have slept on a bed of nails.”
“You still might have to,” Than said with a grin.
“Well, I’ll just have to make sure I work hard enough during the day that it won’t matter what the bed’s like.”
Over the next little while, the rest of the team members began to show up. The kitchen staff had obviously been advised to expect them because as each group joined them, more coffee and fruit were provided. Lindsay drank two cups of coffee and ate a lot of fruit before settling back in her chair. She was glad that whatever panic had overcome her the night before was absent then. Even though Mark had tried to prepare them for what was to come through pictures and descriptions, it was still a big unknown to Lindsay. At least now, with a full night’s sleep, she felt a little more equipped to handle it than she had the night before.
Than watched as Lindsay sat back in her chair. She licked the tips of her fingers which were no doubt coated with the juice from the pineapple she’d been eating. At some point, she’d just abandoned the fork and plucked pieces from her plate and popped them into her mouth. He was glad to see her relaxed and apparently enjoying herself.
He had to admit that he’d had a bit of concern the night before at the airport. When he’d turned to say something to her and had seen her expression, his heart had just about jumped out of his chest. The panicked terror on her pale face had taken him off-guard. It was never a look he’d thought he’d see on Lindsay Hamilton’s face. But then she’d never been in a situation like that before.
Thankfully, she seemed to have moved past that and would hopefully be able to deal with what was st
ill to come. He was glad to see her interacting with the other women on the team as well. It would have been easier for her to just stick with him since he was a familiar face, but he knew that wasn’t the purpose of this trip. Now that she’d made a couple of connections with the ladies, he would step back and give her some space even as he kept an eye on her for his job.
“Can I have your attention, please?”
Than looked over to see Mark standing in the midst of the round tables. The conversation died down as chairs were shifted so people could see him more clearly.
“We need to be packed up and ready to go in an hour. Make sure you have everything from your rooms. We’ll be getting a bagged lunch from here, but we’ll stop along the way so you can pick up snacks and such. The trip will take about five hours, so we’ll arrive at the mission center just before supper.” Mark ran a hand over his shortly cropped hair. “A couple of travel points. Remember to keep your valuables such as passport and money close to you. Just like anywhere else, there are those who will be happy to relieve you of your money. Keep your purses or bags in front of you. If you have a backpack, wear it on your front. I know that this is all new to some of you, so if you have any concerns, please let me or Mel know. We want this to be a pleasant experience for everyone.”
Mel approached him and Mark bent down to listen as she murmured something to him. When he straightened, he said, “Right. Just one more reminder to not drink the water. And that includes ice. If you want something to drink along the way, get it in a bottle that has been chilled. We do have medication for the stomach troubles and other things you can catch from drinking the water, but it will be much easier if you can avoid it all together.”
Once Mark had dismissed them, Lindsay looked over at him. “No turning back.”
Than smiled at her. “Sugar, there was never any turning back.”